A Little Update On My Busy Life

Life has been really crazy lately.  My days have been packed with productivity.  At this point, I am truly flourishing.  I am getting so much done without driving myself insane and I thought I would take this opportunity to share a little update.

About a month ago, I quit my job as an (almost) full-time nanny.  I was becoming very unhappy working with the family due to unfavorable hours and a lot of awkward circumstances.  An unfortunate situation really was the last straw and I got the heck out of dodge while I still could.

After quitting, I had so much free time on my hands, and it was weird.  I knew working the schedule I had was super draining, but I needed something productive to do with this time. Little by little, very good things began to happen for me.

In the past few weeks, I scored just enough hours in babysitting/nanny jobs to be enough but not too much.  Rather than working right in the middle of the day, my shifts are typically mornings or evenings, which allows me to split my days to do other productive things.  Also, working evenings is nice because after I put the kids to sleep, I have some nice quiet time to work on homework, writing, or my new internship.

Yes, that is right! Last week, I was hired as a writing/blogging intern for a multimedia management company that works with aspiring musicians in South Florida.  It wasn’t until recently that I even considered that writing could turn into a career for me in the future.  I am really excited to be interning for this company.  I believe that I will have a lot to contribute to them and I feel that the experience will push me closer to a possible future in writing.

On top of everything, a few days ago I was offered an editorial/research assistant position by one of my favorite professors who I really look up to.  Next summer, I am going on a study abroad trip with her (to Italy!!!) so I would be helping her work a lot on that.  I am also writing an extensive research paper in her class on a topic dear to me that has the chance of being published (which would be a huge accomplishment for an undergrad student!)  I have not decided if I am going to take the job yet since it will add a lot of extra work to my already demanding schedule, but I feel like it would be so great for my resume that it would be a shame to pass up. (Edit: Unfortunately, due to an issue with financial aid, the school was unable to have me working in the assistant position.  I am still very proud to have been offered this position and look forward to working with this professor on other projects.)

As for school, I have recently added two minors: philosophy and literature.  I am far ahead in my course work.  I still plan to graduate about a year early.  As for classes this semester, I have all As and am ahead on most of my school work! I have found that if I am ahead on school work, I am less stressed and more likely to be productive in other areas.

In addition to my other projects and journeys, I have decided to start a small business selling handmade stationery! I plan to really launch this soon and I will be looking for other bloggers to help promote my cards.

As for my blog, I have officially purchased my domain! I am now the proud owner of Tea Addicts Anonymous.  I have some big plans for the expansion of my blog, particularly working with some small businesses.  The travel portion of my blog is about to blow up as I have some really cool trips planned over the next few months.  I will be visiting Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Dominican Republic, and Colorado!

As I mentioned earlier, I have been recently accepted into a study abroad program in Italy next summer! Two of my good friends from my old school are in the process of being accepted to go on the trip, as well, so I am super excited about this experience!

So, as you can see, a lot of huge things are happening for me.  I need lots of prayers on the crazy journey that the next few months will bring.  Stay tuned to read more about all of my adventures (and see lots and lots of pictures!)



  1. Wow you do have so many amazing things happening in your life! I love how things just fall perfectly into place sometimes 😊 I wish you all the luck and much happiness on this new journey of yours! Thanks for sharing with us 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So happy for you Emily. You deserve the world, and I am so happy that after being unhappy things are finally starting to fall into place for you. You are amazing and your hard work is really paying off. Congratulations and good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

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